Presbyterian Church (USA) Worship & Sacraments
Christian Worship joyfully ascribes all praise and honor, glory and power to the triune God. In worship the people of God acknowledge God present in the world and in their lives. As they respond to God’s claim and redemptive action in Jesus Christ, believers are transformed and renewed. In worship the faithful offer themselves to God and are equipped for God’s service in the world. (Directory for Worship, W-1.1001)
What Presbyterians Believe: Worship Frequently Asked Questions about Worship What’s a Paschal candle? Who is responsible for choosing the hymns? Is it an altar or a table? Our frequently asked questions page seeks to demystify some of the basics of Presbyterian liturgical practice so that we may attend to the deeper mysteries of Christian worship. What is the Directory For Worship? |
Baptism is described as a sign and seal of the covenant of grace made by God through Jesus and extended to us. In baptism, God claims us as beloved children and members of Christ’s body, the church, washing us clean from sin as we renounce the power of evil and seek the will and way of God.
What Presbyterians Believe: The Sacrament of Baptism Baptism in the Directory for Worship (W-2.3001 – 2.3010) Baptism is the sign and seal of incorporation into Christ. Jesus through his own baptism identified himself with sinners in order to fulfill all righteousness. Meanings of Baptism Baptism is rich with multiple meanings which overlap like beautiful water lilies on a pond. Learn more about the meanings of baptism. Gifts of God: The Sacraments – Baptism: A Sign of Promise (video) Baptism and Communion in the Reformed tradition are celebrated in this resource from the Presbyterian Reformed Educational Partners (PREP). Five Reformed denominations jointly produced this video to help congregations start conversations about the Sacraments with new parents, new members, confirmation classes, and officers. Use this resource for nurturing disciples of all ages. |
The Lord’s Supper is the sign and seal of eating and drinking in communion with the crucified and risen Lord.
Celebrating Communion: Why Youth Aren't Hungering to Come to the Lord's Table Research Project Article Length Summary by Dr. Cheryl Carson, CFP Associate Executive Presbyter, and Implementation of Liturgical Ideas in a Local Congregation by Rev. Jody Noble, St. Luke's Pres., Titusville, FL.
What Presbyterians Believe: The Sacrament of The Lord's Supper The Lord’s Supper in the Directory for Worship (W-2.4001 – 2.4007) The Lord’s Supper is the sign and seal of eating and drinking in communion with the crucified and risen Lord. Fourfold Action in the Eucharistic Narratives of the New Testament There is a distinctive, fourfold pattern of action that can be seen each time Jesus shares a meal with his disciples: taking, blessing (or giving thanks), breaking, and giving. Gifts of God: The Sacraments – Communion: A Feast of Grace (video) Baptism and Communion in the Reformed tradition are celebrated in this resource from the Presbyterian Reformed Educational Partners (PREP). Five Reformed denominations jointly produced this video to help congregations start conversations about the Sacraments with new parents, new members, confirmation classes, and officers. Use this resource for nurturing disciples of all ages. Children's Sermons
DOLLAR STORE CHILDREN'S SERMONS offers RCL and Narrative Lectionary Based Children Sermon Ideas by Pastor John Stevens, Zion Lutheran Church, ELCA, Oregon City, Oregon |