Inquiry Phase
- The period of Inquiry, which must be for at least one year, is a time for the Inquirer to explore and test her/his call to the ministry through reading, consultation, work in the church, etc. Usually the Inquirer begins her/his seminary education during this period.
- Each year following the Inquirer’s initial meeting with the CPM, she/he is required to meet with the CPM for an annual consultation to review the experiences in the previous year and to set goals for the upcoming year. Form 3 must be completed by the Inquirer and submitted to the CFP Staff person two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting with CPM.
- The Inquirer may attempt to take the Bible Content Exam during this phase of the process.
- Many seminarians find they need financial assistance. Here is a list of funds available (though it is not exhaustive). Each has its own deadline. Please review each for its specific applications, requirements, and deadlines for submittal:
- Check with your seminary. Many seminaries have a variety of scholarships to assist you.
- Look at scholarships offered by the Presbyterian Church (USA) for those seminarians attending PC(USA) seminaries. The one-stop application for aid from the PC(USA) for M.Div. and/or M.A.C.E. students attending our Presbyterian-related seminaries:
- Presbyterian Study Grant - For full-time theological students enrolled in Master of Divinity or Master of Christian Education Program.
- Racial Ethnic Supplemental Grant - For African American, Alaska Native, Asian American, Hispanic American or Native American students who have been awarded the Presbyterian Study Grant and have remaining need.
- Native American Supplemental Grant - Grants assist Native American and Alaska natives pursuing full-time post-secondary education.
- Apollos Seminary Scholarships - The mission of the Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation is to seek, develop, and support excellence in Christian leadership through the Presbyterian Church (USA). The Foundation’s Apollos Program promotes this important task by providing opportunities for financial support to selected students, who are under the care of their presbyteries so that the Church might more effectively carry out its mission.
- Local funds include the Presbytery's Vocational Scholarship Fund. You must request support from this fund through the Committee on Preparation for Ministry.
- The Presbyterian Women of Central Florida Presbytery offer annual scholarships.The application is at
- First Presbyterian Church of Leesburg offers Gifford scholarships. Contact Susan Sapp the Church Administrator for more information and applications.
- This phase ends when the Inquirer decides not to pursue the call or requests that their session recommend her/him to be enrolled as a candidate under care of the Presbytery.
- In preparation of the meeting with session, the Inquirer prepares and submits Form 5A, "Application to be enrolled as a Candidate." Form 5B must also be submitted to the session for completion by the Clerk following the meeting.
- The Inquirer must also submit their answers to the six questions posed in the document, "Statements for Candidacy."
- The session will review the forms and meet with potential inquirer to determine endorsement. If the session endorses the inquirer to move to candidacy, the inquirer will then need to meet with the CPM.
- The Inquirer contacts the CFP Staff person to arrange to meet with the CPM. She or he submits Forms 5A & 5B, "Statements for Candidacy," and a “Faith Journey Narrative” to the CFP Staff Person for distribution to the CPM not less than one week prior to the CPM meeting.
- After reviewing the documentation, the CPM meets with the Inquirer and decides whether or not to recommend the Inquirer be enrolled as a Candidate.
- The committee will review the forms and meet with the potential Candidate to determine endorsement. If the committee chooses to endorse, the person will appear at the next Presbytery meeting. The "Faith Journey Narrative" and Statements for Candidacy will be included in the presbytery packet. At the meeting, the potential Candidate will share his/her “Faith Journey Narrative,” and answer any questions posed by presbyters regarding the statement. Then the Presbytery votes whether or not to enroll the person as a Candidate under its care. A brief service is held with commitment questions, a charge to the candidate and a prayer.