The mission of Central Florida Presbytery is to connect, equip and support its members, faith communities, and ministries in worship, discipleship, service, and fellowship.
Hurricane Season is Underway. Time to Prepare!
Download Bulletin inserts and Power Point slides in both English and Spanish.
2025 Per Capita $26.84
Looking for a Creative Video that helps explain Per Capita? Click here for Pastor Ryan Landino's "It's a Wonderful Church" (a take-off on the Christmas Classic "It's a Wonderful Life."
Remittance FormClick here to email a request for the most recent pulpit supply list. We no longer post it to the website because of the potential for emails to be hacked or used inappropriately.
Genevieve Lange
Scholarship Application Genevieve Lange, a longtime Presbyterian, left $500,000 to Central Florida Presbytery to fund scholarships for adults for: 1. Continuing Education; 2. Leadership Development; and 3. Church Vocation Education