Strategic Planning Committee Update
by Rev. Dr. Nancy Graham Ogne, Committee Member
During the next several months, CFP’s Strategic Planning Committee plans to conduct listening sessions at Presbytery meetings and possibly in other venues to help collectively discern God’s invitation for “such a time as this.”
At the Presbytery-wide invitation of the SPC, pastors, elders and lay people gathered April 19 for a half day of reflection and prayer for our shared future. Armed with framing questions, 25 participants spent prayerful time alone, in dialogue and in corporate prayer – considering strengths, challenges, and needs for Presbytery’s ongoing mission and identity. Many attendees later gathered for a meal at a local restaurant.
Stakeholders convened at three host sites: San Pedro Spiritual Development Center in Winter Park, Port Orange Presbyterian and First Presbyterian Leesburg. (Due to unforeseen circumstances, a fourth regional locale became unavailable in the late stages of planning.) In addition, some leaders prayed on their own and submitted responses to the committee.
The strategic planning committee (SPC) envisioned the gatherings to follow a biblical model from the early Church: With members devoted … to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers (Acts 2.42).
To share your thoughts or learn more, please reach out to any member of the strategic planning committee: Ralphetta Aker McClary (chair), Danny Demoraes, Mike Foley, Hoover Haney, Olivia Haney, David Larry Kim, Guy Neff, Nancy Graham Ogne or Cas Wadell.
At the Presbytery-wide invitation of the SPC, pastors, elders and lay people gathered April 19 for a half day of reflection and prayer for our shared future. Armed with framing questions, 25 participants spent prayerful time alone, in dialogue and in corporate prayer – considering strengths, challenges, and needs for Presbytery’s ongoing mission and identity. Many attendees later gathered for a meal at a local restaurant.
Stakeholders convened at three host sites: San Pedro Spiritual Development Center in Winter Park, Port Orange Presbyterian and First Presbyterian Leesburg. (Due to unforeseen circumstances, a fourth regional locale became unavailable in the late stages of planning.) In addition, some leaders prayed on their own and submitted responses to the committee.
The strategic planning committee (SPC) envisioned the gatherings to follow a biblical model from the early Church: With members devoted … to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers (Acts 2.42).
To share your thoughts or learn more, please reach out to any member of the strategic planning committee: Ralphetta Aker McClary (chair), Danny Demoraes, Mike Foley, Hoover Haney, Olivia Haney, David Larry Kim, Guy Neff, Nancy Graham Ogne or Cas Wadell.