Hurricane Season Has Begun - Time to Prepare
The late Jimmy Buffett wrote, “Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season” and it had to do more with stress than an actual hurricane. However, hurricane season is beginning and we need to be aware of hurricane preparation. FLAPDAN met recently and there are some details we need to remember. The website has more resources.
Please check on the following for your churches and your families
Please check on the following for your churches and your families
- Is your disaster plan up to date?
- Is your contact information up to date?
- Are your disaster kits stocked?
- Do you know your flood zone and do you know the location of your evacuation shelter.
- Can you check on your neighbors who are vulnerable?
- Do you have contact with your local Emergency Management office to know what resources are available and what your church might be able to offer?
- Do you have a parking lot that is big enough to be a distribution site?
- Do you have room in your church for an informal shelter?
- If you have electricity, can your church (or your home) have a cooling station, or a charging station area?
- Can your church make simple meals, like sandwiches or soup?