Candidacy Phase
- The Candidacy phase must be at least one year. During this time, the Candidate completes seminary, meets at least yearly with the CPM for her/his annual consultation. The Candidate will need to complete Form 3 and submit it to the Leadership Development and Resource Coordinator two weeks prior to meeting with the CPM.
- The Candidate usually completes Supervised Ministry (required and must be approved by CPM).
- The Candidate must complete a unit (400 hrs) of Clinical Pastoral Education (required and must be approved by CPM) at a center accredited by the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE). Presently VITAS Hospice and Advent Health are the only two accredited agencies with locations throughout Central Florida Presbytery.
- The Candidate must fulfill the growth goals agreed to with the CPM during the annual consultation(s).
- The Candidate successfully completes the written ordination exams required by the Book of Order.
- The Candidate takes successfully passes the four Senior Ordination Exams and the Bible Content Exam (BCE) if not taken as an Inquirer.