Faith Questions - PC(USA) $ Faith Questions studies are based on faith questions asked by youth. Each session encourages young people to look to Scripture, as well as our faith tradition, in relevant and responsive ways. Intended for older youth, this curriculum is easily adaptable for broadly graded youth programs. The Leader’s Guide explores of a topic with multiple faith questions. Movie, music, media, and other technologies are suggested throughout the curriculum to supplement the lessons. A coffeehouse version is also offered online, free of charge, with the purchase of a Leader’s Guide. Presby Youth - PC(USA) $ Presby Youth, the best of We Believe and Faithfully Asking Questions, is an online resource that offers downloadable quarterly curriculum for tweens, younger youth, and older youth. Quarters are categorized by age, liturgical season, and biblical themes, and lessons are easy-to-use, age-appropriate, scripturally based, and rooted in Reformed tradition. Engage Youth - PC(USA) $ Based on Engage curriculum for adults, this six-session resources encourages youth to spread the good news of Jesus Christ! The Leader’s Guide is scripturally based and easily accessible and includes youth-friendly learning activities. The Notebook serves as a personal journal for teens with opportunities for self-discovery as a disciple of Jesus. Feasting on the Word - PC(USA) $ Feasting on the Word Curriculum provides opportunities for youth to explore their personal and communal identity in Jesus Christ through meaningful community-building experiences, engaging Bible study, and relevant learning activities. In response to God’s amazing, unconditional love, youth will be challenged to put their faith into action as they grow to understand themselves as Christ’s disciples. Each session includes a media connection section that ties the week’s Scripture passage to a film, video, song, or website. |
Confirmation Curriculum
Professing Our Faith - PC(USA) $ Professing Our Faith: A Confirmation Curriculum is a great tool for tweens and youth. It shares a foundation of faith and spiritual practice in the Reformed tradition. It invites young people to explore the meaning of their baptism and their participation at the Lord’s Supper, as well as to learn about church polity, stewardship, spiritual practices, worship, and mission. The Teacher’s Book is an all-inclusive resource to be used with both 35-session and 8-session confirmation formats. |