News from the Interim Co-Executive PresbytersWhile Jesus was in Jerusalem for the Passover festival, many people believed in him, for they could see the signs he was performing. But Jesus knew all people, and didn’t entrust himself to them. Jesus never needed evidence about people’s motives; he was well aware of what was in everyone’s heart. (John 2:23-25, The Inclusive Bible)
Whom can you trust? Who is trustworthy? This scripture text is worthy of our Lenten devotions and our reality checks on our human condition. No human is trustworthy; No person is to have our complete trust. Jesus knows all people and all of us. What does that say about us, our family members, the church members, the politicians we support, the denominations, the people who pray with and for us? The Lenten stories and the gospel accounts all point us to our human deceptions to thwart God’s work for us and within God’s people. The 12 disciples, the scribes and pharisees, the worshippers, the regional governor Pilate, the Hebrew king Herod, the mob’s cries to crucify the innocent one; All people are shown to have turned away, looked out for themselves, denied, betrayed, ran away to hide in secret. Are we different in 2024, in Central Florida Presbytery, in this season of interim ministry among the 60+ congregations, new worshiping communities, church fellowships? No, we are still human and not worthy of God’s trust in us! Let us rest with that reality, and acknowledge the truth of who we are, who Jesus knows us to be. Which leads us to the Wonderful, Powerful Good News of who is our redeemer, who died for us, all of us, once and for all. The One who is worthy of our trust is indeed Jesus who died, was buried and rose again for us, all of us. It is this savior who fills our hearts, faith, minds and motives that we are changed from mere humans, to be vessels of God’s Holy Spirit, to point to the one Savior. That Savior is to be basis for our church relationships, our sharing faith with community citizens and in our presbytery work of prayerful strategic planning, our facing our current circumstances of financial resources and membership needs for leadership and sharing of faith beyond the congregation’s property and websites. If Jesus is aware of what is in our human heart, whom will God see in our heart this day? May it be Jesus, now and always. To God’s Glory! Hoover and Olivia Haney, Co-Interim Executive Presbyters |
MARCH 2024
Rev. Dr. Hoover & Rev. Olivia Haney