September 2013
The new school year is underway, and we celebrate Labor Day. Let's think about ways to serve our classmates and co-workers this month. The story of Elijah and the widow reminds us that we don't need to worry because God answers prayer and God provides.
Scripture Memory Verse
"Don't be anxious about anything; rather bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks." Philippians 4:6 (CEB) |
Community Prayers
from Vibrant Faith @ Home Families can grow in awareness of people in their church and community who are in need of prayer. Family members of all ages can pray for others and let people know they are praying for them. Especially pray on Labor Day for people who are working and those looking for jobs. Elijah Coloring Sheet from DLTK-Growing Together A widow responds to Elijah's requests for water and food even though she had little to share. God provides enough for Elijah and the widow's family until the drought breaks. Bubble Buddies from Group's Sometimes kids have grown-up-sized problems: where to get their next meal, where they'll sleep tonight, whether Dad will be in jail again next week, and the list goes on. Your children have an opportunity to reach out to these kids and help them know what to do with that endless list of worries. Use this craft to touch kids' lives. |