May 2014
May begins with May Day, a tradition of remembering our neighbors with bouquets of flowers. This month's activities offer different ways to show your neighbors you care. The month ends with Memorial Day, a weekend when many folks will begin their summer travels. Start your travel off with prayer.
Scripture Memory Verse
"So continue encouraging each other and building each other up, just like you are doing already." 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (CEB) |
Prayer: Leaving Home with God
from Vibrant Faith @ Home Are you leaving home this summer? Maybe you are going on a vacation with your family or to a camp. In this activity you’ll read a prayer from the Bible and remember that God travels with us everywhere. Healing Sticks from Group's Have kids distribute tongue depressors with the message that "By His wounds we are healed" to friends who are sick or weary. Then pray for those people for the whole month. Service Project: May Day Thank You Notes from Vibrant Faith @ Home It's never too early to teach your children the importance of gratitude. Historically, people delivered baskets of spring flowers to friends and neighbors on May Day. Develop your own version of this tradition and use this day to send handwritten thank you notes to people who have shown you kindnesses, big or small. |