June 2014
You've been participating in VBS 365 for a year now. Enjoy your summer and your next VBS experience. May God bless you and keep you.
Scripture Memory Verse
"I love you, O Lord, my strength." Psalm 18:1 (NRSV) |
Road Trip God Sightings
from Group's ChildrensMinistry.com If your family plans to hit the road this summer on vacations, give them a fun way to discover God on the road. Provide a "Road Trip God Sightings" page that for ways to watch for God while driving and exploring. Summer Prayer Corner from Vibrant Faith @ Home Create a summertime prayer corner in your home, in your yard, or on your deck, patio, or balcony. It can serve as a sacred space for prayer and teach reverence for the holy. Summer Out Door from Vibrant Faith @ Home Summer means lots of coming and going. Learn and talk about the Jewish traditional ritual of doorway blessing, mezuzah. Make a mezuzah for your household. |